Submitted by Name: Yannick PERIGAULT From: France (of course....) E-mail: Contact
Comments: bonjour
I change my mail because too much spams with my old adress.
I think it's Amanda who is administrator of this website.
Send me a mail to have your news
Added: November 30, 2011
Submitted by Name: Mylène From: Curacao E-mail: Contact
Comments: Konta bai Sr Perigualt, e website ta masha bunita y prof. keep uup the good work for your family. Masha nechi. Exito
Added: October 13, 2011
Submitted by Name: Diego Leonardo Barrow Cuevas Perigault DeGrasse From: Panama / United Kingdom E-mail: Contact
Comments: Just a short note to thank you all for putting this information together. It sheds a new light on my Mother's side of the Family (Carlota Barrow Cuevas Perigault).
Un fuerte abrazo.
Added: October 3, 2011
Submitted by Name: Amanda Perigault Monte From: The Hague, The Netherlands E-mail: Contact
Comments: Muchas Gracias, Jorge Perigault
Added: May 29, 2011
Submitted by Name: jorge alberto perigault acosta From: panameño E-mail: Contact
Comments: quiero felicitar a amanda perigault monte por haber hecho esta pagina tan importante de los perigault en todo el mundo. ya que muchos no se conocian y sabian que tenian parientes vivos.....gracias amanda. dios te bendiga. un abrazo. cuidate
Added: May 28, 2011
Submitted by Name: Pierre Perigault Monte From: Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Comments: Sometimes the object of the journey is not the end BUT the journey itself......
Added: May 14, 2011
Submitted by Name: Roy Antadillas Perigault. From: Panamá E-mail: Contact
Comments: Lamento enormemente la notica del deceso de mi primo hermano Clodomiro. Departe de Toda la familia Antadillas Perigault en Panamá les extendemos nuestras mas sinceras condolencias por tan sensible perdida. Por favor extendienle esto a todos mis primos hermanos en Curazao. Paz a su alma.
Primos hermanos Antadillas Perigault.
Added: April 6, 2011
Submitted by Name: Anthony (Thony ) Kramer From: Frankfurt - Germany E-mail: Contact
Submitted by Name: Nilka Perigault-Falcón de Varela From: Panama E-mail: Contact
Comments: El más sentido pésame por el sensible fallecimiento de Don Clodomiro Perigault Monte. Gracias por compartir los videos cuando cumplió 90 años. Que bello recuerdo. Paz a su tumba.
Added: March 25, 2011
Submitted by Name: Steven Howard Leser From: Ny, USA E-mail: Contact
Comments: Hello!
I just wanted you to know that I have both a sister and a daughter whose photos I can send you.
let me know if you want them and thank you so much for doing this site!
Name: Yannick PERIGAULT
From: France (of course....)
E-mail: Contact
I change my mail because too much spams with my old adress.
I think it's Amanda who is administrator of this website.
Send me a mail to have your news